Thursday, March 25, 2010

The Cosmology of Đạo Mẫu

Essential to understanding Đạo Mẫu is its cosmological arrangement. Deities are arranged into four worlds, called Tứ Phủ, (The Four Palaces, 四府). They are:
1. Thiên Phủ (天府) -Realm of Heaven, represented by red
2. Địa Phủ (地府) -Realm of Earth, yellow
3. Thoải Phủ (水府) -Realm of Water, white
4. Nhạc Phủ (嶽府) -Realm of Mountains, green

This is the original order as determined by early practitioners in Vietnam; however, during Hầu Thánh, the order is slightly altered. Deities descend in the following order:
1. Thiên Phủ
2. Nhạc Phủ
3. Thoải Phủ
4. Địa Phủ

In addition to the Four Palaces, you and I reside in the Human Realm, called Nhân Gian (人間).

Each realm is overseen by a Mother Goddess (Thánh Mẫu 聖母). We will cover the identities of the Mother Goddesses in the next post.

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